Hair Care Product by New Generation

Baldness or hair loss is a common disease faced by many people these days it is a personal cause of worry. Hair loss is caused by many factors which include diseases, genetic factors, aging and local skin conditions etc. It adversely affects the self-confidence of a person due to the affects it has on the physical appearance of a person.

Hair is made up of protein known as keratin and the color pigment of the hair is melanin. The average person loses about 50 to 100 head hairs per day. Generally the hair is replaced and grows back in the same hair follicle. If the hair loss exceeds that amount then it should be treated. There are many different types of hair loss such as Alopecia areata, Telogen effluvium, Male Pattern Hair Loss etc.

Alopecia areata is a condition in which the patient has coin sized bald patches on the beard or scalp. Generally the loss is caused by predisposition to allergy, genetic predisposition and autoimmune system response or stress etc. Telogen effluvium is a hair loss type that is instigated by stress, medication, child birth, surgical operations etc. Male Pattern Hair Loss is one of the most common forms of hair loss. This condition is generally caused by genetic pre-disposition and can affect any male of any age group. It is better to treat these conditions with a Natural Hair Loss Treatment such as New Generation.

More information for effective medium for treating hair loss.

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