How to Cure a Yeast Infection

Yeast infections, what can you say? We all get them. Men, women, everyone. It's not fun and it doesn't feel good by any means. Want it gone? Then read these tips on how to cure a yeast infection for men AND women and cure yours today!

There is quite an assortment of cures you can use for both men and women. How to cure a yeast infection top tip is using yogurt. You can insert it (for the women), apply it to the affected area (for men and women) and eat it (for men and women again). Nothing works better than yogurt.

Another how to cure a yeast infection tip is vinegar. Women can make a mild douche (one tablespoon of vinegar in a quart of water) and men and women can add a cup of vinegar to a warm bath.

Additionally, men and women can use honey to apply to the affected area, then wait fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse off. This is an effective cure for yeast infections.

How to cure a yeast infection leading tip is to using a garlic paste on the affected area. And lastly, drink buttermilk once or twice a day especially at night. This will kill your yeast infection.

How to cure a yeast infection doesn't have to be complicated and drawn out. It's needs to be quick and effective. These tips for men and women on how to cure their yeast infections will provide just that.

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